NBV Web gets….well….amazing!

We hit a milestone today – with the first production sized version of NBV Web under load. It was an amazing experience to see searches across 500M+ network transactions being returned in under 10 seconds. Search for all solar charges? For United network? Boom! What about all standing charges for Energex? Boom – there it is.…

Some observations about the NSW Gas market

Any new B2B market comes with challenges. And although the NSW Gas market has been contestable for some time, the B2B standards are new, especially to some of the Distributors. For Retailers, many have been operating in other Gas markets, so picking up these standards and moving them across to cater for NSW (ok, there…

NBV gets the Big Data treatment

We’ve been doing a lot of research in the last couple of months in relation to how our clients can get the best access to our underlying data. Because we know it’s valuable – after all we do a lot of work to make it so! But direct access to an operational database is pretty…