MSATS on Steroids
Our Standing Data Repository (SDR) was designed and built to address a key objective ; to get great reference data, with high quality into our systems. And whilst we were building it, we decided to use the best cloud technologies we could to make work not only for back end systems, but also for people.
Google Style Searching
With SDR, you can search for phrases like “3123 N32” – and you’ll likely to find all your NMIs within postcode 3123 that also have the network tariff of N32. Oh, and the results come back in seconds. That’s why we call it google style searching ; because that’s what it feels like. And sure, if you know a NMI, or a meter register, or a type of meter – you can search on that too. There’s never been a more powerful tool for searching your key standing data. Do you need an export of your won NMIs – all of them – in Victoria. No problems, our search and extraction will handle that without blinking.
One NMI One Screen
Of course, once you find the NMI you’re interested in, we’ve gone another step further. All the information you’re likely to need at your fingertips. In fact, we have everything that you can get from your regular C1 reports inside SDR; all in one screen, easy to find, easy to summarise. No more blue screens of frustration – and no more MSATS training courses. If you can use google, you can use our SDR.
Data by and from MSATS
Of course, data quality was the entire reason to build SDR. There’s no point having a great search or great interface if the data is wrong. And SDR stays up to date with MSATS using 3 key techniques;
C1 Snapshot from AEMO – we can absorb off the CD
C1 Data Resynchronisation Replication Reports – can absorb these to keep up to date with changes to standing data
Web Services C4 – And we can get the latest view of a single NMI using web services at any time
The end result – an easy to use, beautiful SDR experience – full of up to date information – that is used by your people, and supplied to other Shine Products reconciliation systems.